Consultations are built into the appointments. If you’d like to chat before then, feel free to call or message me. There’s no commitment, pressure, or obligation. I want you to feel 100% comfortable moving forward with your procedure. I only ask that you read the full website prior to reaching out, as many of your questions will be covered here.

It is the micro-implantation of coloring pigments into the skin for aesthetic purposes to enhance, contour, and outline facial features. It is also a valuable procedure to minimize or camouflage scars, burns, skin pigmentation variances caused by vitiligo, correcting skin irregularities, and/or to further enhance post-operative treatments.

ABSOLUTELY. I take every precaution to provide you with a clean and safe procedure. In addition to every procedure taking place within a medical setting, these procedures are overseen by an Oklahoma licensed and board-certified physician. All procedures are performed under sterile conditions, using premium equipment and pigments and disposable materials, including needle cartridges, in every procedure.

I use prescription lidocaine based compounded topical for numbing before lip blushing and eyeliner, additional numbing is used throughout the procedures.  For brow procedures, topical numbing is applied after the first pass once the skin is open. Everyone’s pain tolerance is different, but pain is very minimal, and most feel no pain at all. If you are allergic to lidocaine, any “caine” or epinephrine based numbing product, you must let me know before the procedure. We can discuss your options.

The average time required for a procedure is between one to three hours depending on the PMU procedure completed.

If you have previous PMU, please reach out for a consult prior to booking so we can discuss the best procedure for your desired results. It is advised to discontinue products containing retinoids 4 weeks before procedure as it can cause sensitivity and issues with implantation. You can resume all regimens 4 weeks after touch up, but should be noted that retinoids can cause pigment to fade on the warmer and/or faster than normal. A touch up or perfecting appointment is recommended 6-8 weeks after initial appointment to achieve desired results. 

Refer to our Aftercare page for detailed day to day recommendations.

Ineligible Clients

Please review carefully before booking an appointment.

For safety reasons, I do not offer Permanent Makeup services to individuals with any of the following conditions:

  • Individuals under 18 years of age.
  • Pregnant and/or Nursing (absolutely no exceptions — must be finished nursing for at least 6 months)
  • Keloid and/or Hypertrophic Scarring
  • Individuals currently undergoing chemotherapy or radiation (previous treatment will need to at least 6 months from scheduled procedure and doctors note may be required)
  • Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), Hepatitis, or any other viral infection
  • Accutane (Isotretinoin) — if used within the last year*
  • Skin conditions such as, but not limited to, psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema, chronic acne, broken capillaries, and/or rosacea on or around the treatment area
  • Epilepsy

Additional Considerations.

Although the following conditions do not exclude you from receiving a cosmetic tattoo, they may affect the permanence of the procedure as well as the possible complications and/or consequences of the said procedure.

  • Diabetes and/or High Blood Pressure (doctor’s note required)
  • Lupus and/or Other Auto Immune Disorder (doctors note required)
  • Allergy to Topical Anesthetic/Epinephrine (Lidocaine, Benzocaine, Tetracaine, Prilocaine)
  • Individuals taking any medications that could affect the body’s healing process and/or hinder blood from clotting

If you have any questions or concerns, please email sarah.prettyink@gmail.com.